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Iteration 39. Reduce VLLM RAM usage



If I can reduce the RAM usage from VLLM ensembling would be easier in the Kaggle submission.


Currently I cannot parallelize everything in the submission pipeline because VLLM uses 50% of RAM and the 2020 solution sometimes demands more than 50%.


I have been playing with VLLM parameters and swap_space seems to be the one with the biggest effect on RAM usage. In the documentation it says:

CPU swap space size (GiB) per GPU.

export checkpoint_folder=/mnt/hdd0/Kaggle/arc24/models/20241007_batch_size/01_bs16_lr5e-5_Qwen2.5-0.5B-Instruct_10000steps_2gpus_8192msl/checkpoint-10000
rm /mnt/hdd0/Kaggle/arc24/evaluations/20241007_batch_size/01_bs16_lr5e-5_Qwen2.5-0.5B-Instruct_10000steps_2gpus_8192msl/checkpoint-10000/inference_evaluation_x009.json
python "${checkpoint_folder}" --dataset_path /mnt/hdd0/Kaggle/arc24/data/arc-agi_evaluation_challenges.json --predictions_per_task 9


Local results

swap_space RAM usage inference time (s)
4 16 530
2 9.7 563
1 5.5 514
0 1.1 508

We have reached an enormous VRAM decrease without a significant effect on inference time nor in accuracy. This results were obtained on my PC, I should repeat the experiments on Kaggle.

Kaggle results

swap_space RAM usage inference time (s)
4 50% 84
2 32% 79
1 22% 79
0 12% 78

We see the same trend, we can decrease the RAM usage by a lot while the inference time almost does not change.

Remember icecuber RAM usage

On this notebook we can see that sometimes icecuber uses up to 80% of the RAM. So if we want to run it on parallel with VLLM inference we will have to use no swap_space.


We have found that we can decrease the RAM usage of VLLM dramatically apparently without any effect on accuracy nor on speed (at least for ARC inference.)

Next steps

  • Create a new notebook for Omni-ARC inference that runs all 2020 solution in parallel. On a first step it tries to solve the tasks using code. Then it does test-time fine-tuning on the remaining tasks.


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