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Iteration 23. More external data



Is there more external data that can improve the accuracy of the model?


Using RE-ARC allowed to improve LB score from 10 to 16. Data is really important.

Recently I have noticed that Simon Strandgaard (kaggle) is creating data for ARC challenge. I want to explore that data and also search for additional datasets.


So far I have used RE-ARC, ConceptARC, 1D-ARC and MINI-ARC. Only RE-ARC and MINI-ARC showed significative improvements on evaluation metrics.

Sources of information

There is one weird thing, why simon does not have its own data on the viewer?


Add more external datasets

experiment accuracy correct_pixels correct_size pass_32 vote_2
baseline 7.62% 70.89% 88.64% 23.25% 15.91%
add new datasets 7.86% 71.21% 88.74% 23.00% 15.66%
add neoneye tama 7.46% 71.33% 89.12% 22.50% 15.66%
add MINI-ARC 7.62% 71.41% 89.21% 26.62% 17.05%
remove neoneye tama 7.38% 71.22% 88.86% 24.75% 16.92%

The differences between experiments are small and probably not significative, let's make a brief summary of the added datasets:

  • neoneye's tama: 50 tasks with 100 variations each
  • PQA: 7 different tasks with lots of variations
  • MINI-ARC: 149 tasks with 4.5 samples per task
  • Kaggle: 14 tasks with 3.8 samples per task

Pretrain on datasets with more samples per task

Some of the datasets such as RE-ARC, PQA or neoneye's tama have a lot of samples for each task. Thus it might have sense to first pre-train the model on those datasets and on a second stage use all the available data.

experiment accuracy correct_pixels correct_size pass_32 vote_2
pretrain on big datasets + normal train 10.11% 72.79% 89.06% 28.25% 20.20%
double length train 9.93% 71.73% 87.80% 26.88% 17.30%

We see a small improvement, it might not be significative.


We have tried adding new external datasets to train. Results are not conclusive, it is not clear if adding this new datasets improves the validation scores.

Next steps


  • PQA: Perceptual Question Answering
    • Read the paper
    • The dataset is big, how to deal with it? Can I group all the common tasks together?
    • Check the colors
  • Visualize Simon datasets I have been looking at the code, but I don't see how to decode the datasets. I believe he only works with RLE encoded data.
  • Create a small dataset combining the 2 existing small kaggle datasets
  • ARC gym
  • Could it have sense to pretrain only on the datasets that have a lot of variation like RE-ARC and PQA?
  • Does neoneye tama improve accuracy?