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Iteration 7. Training data



Try different configurations of training data and see how the validation loss is affected.



Create new train-val partition

On the notebook 005_create_new_data_partititions I have prepared a function that given a random seed creates a new train-val partition. It will take 100 random eval tasks for validation and the rest for training.

Prepare arc-like datasets for training

There are some arc-like datasets that could be useful for fine-tuning an LLM. They are listed here


Train loss is reproducible, val loss isn't

If I run the same experiment multiple times I get very similar train loss, but validation loss could be different. This makes harder to observe improvements.

val loss changes

What are the sources of randomness?

  • Data augmentation
  • LoRA initialization

Maybe cyclic learning rate schedule might allow to escape from poor local optima, but the problem might be just a generalization one (because training loss is good).

What are the best datasets for fine-tuning?

dataset tasks tasks variations best val loss best val step
combo-v2 (new train + val n-1) 800 0.1145 6000
new train 700 0.1406 6000
combo-v1 (new train + ConceptARC + Mini-ARC) 0 0.1551 6000
val n-1 100 0.164 1600
train 400 0.1831 3100
RE-ARC 400 40000 0.25 1100
ConceptARC 176 528 0.2784 400
Mini-ARC 149 149 0.3 100
1D-ARC 901 901 0.34 100
  • Although we have seen that validation losses are not reproducible we can see a big improvement when using the new train set compared to the old one.
  • External datasets do not get good validation losses and quickly overfit.
  • Making a combo with new train and val n-1 is the best option.

Is it helpful to first train on RE-ARC?

training from RE-ARC

It is unclear that training in two stages (first with RE-ARC and second with ARC) is positive. Training loss is lower as expected because initialization is better, but validation loss ends up being worse. However we have seen that validation loss is volatile, so in other experiment might be better.

What is the best strategy for test-time fine-tuning?

If we use a constant learning rate with warmup the model overfits. The step of overfit changes with the learning rate. A lower learning rate will start overfitting later.


By using a linear schedule we can get even better results at 1k steps.

linear is better

  • I have also tried using a bigger batch size but did not improve.
  • I have also tried using a combination of train and test data but did not improve either.

Thus a linear schedule with learning rate 1e-5 and 1k steps seems to be a good option.


Next steps

  • Unify training scripts
  • Iterable for data augmentation will be much better
  • Load the state of the optimizer when fine-tuning in multiple stages?
  • There might be room for improvement if using a generator instead of a fixed dataset. F.e. better use of RE-ARC dataset
  • I need much better results when doing test-time fine-tuning. I could iterate faster if I focus on a single example or a few examples.
  • Try using beam search, does it improve the results?
  • It seems we are hitting a ceiling, probably we need a better data formatting or more data


  • What is the effect of changing the train data? Keep the same train configuration and just change the data.
    • What if I use the train dataset and n-1 eval dataset?
    • What if I only do test-time fine-tuning?
    • Is it helpful to first train with re-arc?
    • Use other arc-like datasets for training
    • What is the effect of using more training data? Can I estimate how the loss will decrease if generating more tasks?
  • Check for more datasets on:
  • If I can easily swap train and test on fine-tuning, don't do it when creating the n-1 dataset. That will make configuration easier.
  • Why training with combo-v2 diverges? Try using batch size 32 instead of 16, other option is gradient clipping. Bfloat16 vs float16, explained on next iteration.
  • Train 1.5B model with the best configuration